Community & Environment

Community Philosophy

New Standard is committed to openness, transparency and accountability to the communities in which we operate.

The company is committed to proactive, two-way engagement with our community stakeholders so they are equipped with the information they require about our operations and can raise any questions or concerns directly with the company.

New Standard is dedicated to delivering our projects with a core focus on safety, minimal environmental impact and community awareness. The company is focused on self-regulation and prides itself on maintaining a positive relationship with all governing bodies to ensure all activities meet high industry standards.

All of New Standard’s Australian exploration permits are covered by native title and New Standard is committed to protecting sites of significance while providing opportunities for traditional owners in return for access to their traditional lands. From the cultural awareness programs we have implemented to our ethos of fairness and respect, New Standard seeks to achieve mutually beneficial relationships with traditional owners.

Western Australian Onshore Gas Code of Practice for Hydraulic Fracturing

New Standard helped develop and is a founding signatory to the Western Australian Onshore Gas Code of Practice for Hydraulic Fracturing.

The Code of Practice commits its signatories to high standards of work and environmental practice.

The code provides a best practice framework for the safe, responsible and environmentally sound production of shale gas and tight gas in Western Australia. New Standard is proud to be a signatory to The Code, and is committed to comply with all guidelines when hydraulic fracturing is employed during the advanced exploration and production phases of our operations into the future.

The Code sets out guidelines for:

1. Community, landholder and stakeholder interaction
2. Protection of aquifers
3. Sourcing and use of water
4. Use of chemicals in hydraulic fracturing
5. Fluid flowback and produced fluids containment
6. Fugitive emissions
7. Continuous improvement

Please click here for a copy of The Code.

Environmental Management

As part of New Standard’s commitment to the environments we work with, and to ensure openness and transparency with the community and other key stakeholders, we have made our Environmental Plans (EP) available for public access.

Any queries about the EPs or the environmental safety of New Standard’s exploration activities can be directed to New Standard’s Health, Safety and Environment Manager on (08) 9481 7477.

You can view New Standard’s available EPs by clicking on the link below:

Department of Mines and Petroleum – Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System